Soul Detective Level 2 – Lawrence, KS
Lawrence, KSTOPICS: Releasing vows of poverty, Clearing Curses and Hexes, Energetic Cords, Recovering lost soul fragments, Finding Root Cause, Building Customized Treatments. PRE-REQUISITE: Soul Detective Level One Class CEs: 12 CEs for ACEP re-certification TUITION: $375. Earlybird discount of $30 if paid in full by two weeks before class. Additional $25 discount if taking both Levels […]
Soul Detective Level 2 – Toronto, ON
1817 State Route 83, Unit 513, Toronto, OntarioHOURS: 9 am to 5 pm each day TOPICS: Releasing vows of poverty, Clearing Curses and Hexes, Energetic Cords, Recovering lost soul fragments, Finding Root Cause, Building Customized Treatments. PRE-REQUISITE: Soul Detective Level One Class CEs: 12 CEs for ACEP re-certification Level Two Tuition: $CAD 375 or $US 296 Onsite coordinator Dr. Sandeep Hunjan Email: […]
Soul Detective Level 2 – Medina, OH
1007 Meadowlark Lane, Medina OH 1007 Meadowlark Lane, Medina, OHHOURS: 9 am to 5 pm each day TOPICS: Releasing vows of poverty, Clearing Curses and Hexes, Energetic Cords, Recovering lost soul fragments, Finding Root Cause, Building Customized Treatments. PRE-REQUISITE: Soul Detective Level One Class CEs: 12 CEs for ACEP re-certification TUITION: $375. Earlybird discount of $30 if paid in full by two weeks before […]