Barbara Stone, PhD, DCEP
Creator Soul Detective® Method
Spiritual Coach & Mentor
2991 Ruswil Drive, #513, Millersburg OH 44654
Email: Phone: 330-440-4088
Distance sessions are available for a joint “Soul Restoration” session with both Dr. Stone and Robert Alcorn, MD.
Skype or Zoom for Distance Sessions
We have SKYPE, ZOOM, and a webcam. If you have the same, we can do a session via the internet so we can see each other on our computer screens. My Skype name is souldetectivetherapist.
Facetime: My facetime email address is
In these joint sessions with me and my husband Robert Alcorn, MD, a retired psychiatrist who has shamanic training, we work together for deep soul healing. We do a combination of Soul Detective work and shamanic journeying inside sacred space.
Disclaimer: Soul Restoration work is spiritual rather than medical and deals with the spiritual interference patterns that underlie emotional and physical problems. We do not claim to diagnose or treat any medical or psychiatric condition. It is not reimbursable by insurance that covers medical benefits or mental health services.
Fee: $300 for a 90 min. Soul Restoration session with both Dr. Stone and Dr. Alcorn
Dr. Alcorn’s website:
Dr. Alcorn is the author of Healing Stories: My Journey from Mainstream Psychiatry Toward Spiritual Healing.
Phone calls
There is no charge for a five minute telephone call, but longer time is charged at the hourly rate of $160 per hour.
Payment and Billing
Fees are due before the session. We accept PayPal, Zelle, Visa, Mastercard, and Amex credit card payments. Charges are listed under my business name, STONEPOWER.
Cancellation Policy
Please call to inform me if you must cancel: please do not email me as I may be away from my email. If I am unavailable, please leave a voicemail message at 330-440-4088. Except for genuine emergencies, if you cancel your appointment with less than a 24 hours’ notice, you will be charged a $100 cancellation fee.
All sessions are scheduled directly with me. The best way to reach me is via email at Please be aware that if you send information in the body of an email, there is some danger that it might be read by a third party. If you are willing to accept this risk, you can communicate with me via unencrypted email. If you do not have email, you can leave a message with your name and phone number on my phone at 330-440-4088.
Availability/My Travel Schedule
Because I travel and teach a great deal of the time, I am not always available for emergency sessions. Clients who choose to work with us in Soul Restoration sessions need to be willing to work around our limited availability.