Although I cannot guarantee any specific results, and the following testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual attending any Soul Detective training, participants report having positive experiences.
Here is what some participants have to say:
Soul Detective, Level 1 – Healing Past Life Trauma
“I believe that having this new awareness of who I was will benefit who I am. Thank you for showing me how to look through these windows.” ~ CPC
“This course was outside of my perceived sphere of understanding. However, it all made such sense it felt like home, as if these lessons are part of our physical and spiritual DNA.” ~ Jeremy Culver
“Thanks so much–I haven’t felt so at peace in years.” ~ Lois M.
“A very eye opening, heart opening, and mind opening experience!” ~ Marilyn Penn, hypnotherapist
“I am so grateful for the knowledge gained in this training. It is such a joy to witness the healing it brings. I have also recognized a deepening of my own self-knowledge and increased awareness of my guides. It seems the more I do for others, the deeper I go as well.” ~ Deb Roberts
“Barbara Stone is a truly gifted teacher of energy psychology and healer. Her dance between the world of the technical with the strategies of energy psychology, including muscle testing for assessment, and the world of the mystical, adjusting the energy field with meridians, chakras and biofield work with the assistance of her angels, is joyful to experience. The light in her eyes emits the energy of love that she brings to her work, which is balanced as well as grounded in expertise.” ~ Mary Hammond, MA, LPC, D.CEP, ACEP Consultant
“Yesterday I was feeling very vulnerable emotionally, so I made a point to keep honoring my heart with the TFT affirmation, ‘I deeply and profoundly accept myself even with all my problems and limitations.’ Although the place I was rubbing with my fingers was exceedingly sore, almost as if there were a hole in my chest, this simple intervention worked immediately every time. At one point I was crying, and it literally stopped tears in midstream, and I started laughing. This affirmation works for me!”
Soul Detective Level 2
“This was THE most empowering, forward moving workshop I’ve ever taken.” ~ Nancy Murdoch
“Barbara is a wonderful presenter. One always learns the unexpected from her! Very good handouts and materials.”
“I have not ever been to a workshop where the people and the workshop experience meant so much to me.”
“What a gift you taught me. I’ve experienced three strokes which resulted in right side facial paralysis and left side body weakness. Before, my left side seemed to never quite be with me, leaving my right side to take over. In your class I experienced an amazing feeling of reconnection and being whole or together. I felt more confidence with my body and amazingly more balanced. This is a lifetime gift–one I will continually do for myself and share with others.” ~ Nancy
Soul Detective Level 3
“This work is essential for personal and global healing. By resolving our traumas, we are free to express the true potential of the human heart.” ~ Andrea Hanson, CEHP
“Thank you for bringing the work of so many originators together, along with your own wisdom, to create The Soul Detective system. There’s so much information and so much of your blood sweat and tears but I love the efficacy of your system. It’s mystical, yet so systematic. As I use it more and more, I realize the depth and scope of the work you put into it and am forever grateful.” Gabriole J.
“Wow, what a great session. I felt an immediate shift from fear to no fear. I am now untouchable, and it feels wonderful–like a very old prana leak has been repaired, and I feel stronger and protected in my energy field. I feel like a solid container that can sustain itself easily now, thanks to YOU! Rock on!” ~ Diana
“I had a very powerful past life session with a client this week and still marvel at how it all just falls into place. The lessons are always so meaningful and healing. What a gift we have in our work.”
“I believe Soul Detective is an innovative method for getting to the core of people’s pain. Do not underestimate its power–I didn’t!” ~ Rachael Roy, MSW